The History of MUBC by Judith Buckrich
Full colour with 336 pages and over 400 images
‘Well Rowed University’ is not simply the story of one of Australia’s oldest sporting clubs and one of its most successful rowing clubs. It is also a story of Melbourne and its society; of the University of Melbourne; and of the Yarra River, which flows through the centre of Melbourne.
It encompasses the period from the Club’s formation in 1859, when the colony of Victoria was still in its infancy, through to the modern day. The effect of two world wars on the lives of Victorians and their sportsmen and women is relived in the pages of the book, as is the spirit of resurgent optimism as these tragedies receded into the past. There is much here to fascinate a general reader as well as a sporting history buff.
For the rowing enthusiast, the rich source of information to be found in the book ranges from the early growth of the sport in Victoria (where for a time it rivalled football in popularity for both spectators and participants), to the development of fierce intervarsity, intercolonial and then interstate rivalries. In addition, the outstanding success of Australian rowing at an international level in modern times is recorded from the perspective of the Club’s members.
Beautifully designed and illustrated in both colour and black and white throughout, ‘Well Rowed University’ contains over 400 images, including early scenes of Melbourne and the Yarra River rarely seen before. Also included with the book is a disc containing a searchable database of photographs and images and lists of historical interest.